Capital Eagle



The results we deliver to our investors allow them to entrust us with more capital to fulfill our dual mandate: leading in the asset management sector and acting as sustainable change makers.


For most people, green is related to balance, nature, and rebirth. Green, is also a symbol of prosperity, freshness, and progress. In political efforts is common to be tied to ecological and progressive causes. When we hear green energy, we understand that the energy generated comes from natural resources, such as sunlight, wind, or water. As a source of energy, green power can be produced from renewable energy technologies such as solar energy, wind power, geothermal energy, biomass, and hydroelectric power. Each of these technologies works in different ways, whether is taking power from the sun, with solar panels, or using large wind turbines or the flow of water to generate energy. In recent decades, the cost of wind and solar power generation has dropped dramatically. Hydropower technologies also allow to produce green electricity consistently. These are some of the reasons that the U.S. Department of Energy projects that renewable energy will be the fastest- rowing U.S. energy source through 2050.

“This has been our most optimistic year for the last 2 financnial years and this would have not been possible without our investors and every member of the RECAP family.”

Alejandro Mendez
Co-Founder and Group CEO

Alejandro Mendez
Co-Founder and Group CEO


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“Our increasing access to better opportunities allows for accelerated growth that will benefit our investors”

– Mark Valdez, Co-Founder and Group CIO

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